Monday, January 24, 2011


Everything in this world is part of our ecosystem. People take advantage of that by not taking care of the world with littering and pollution.  

People don’t like being called ecosystem services, their name is just provided to show how they are protecting the world from pollution. The world is run by money, and when the ecosystem cant produce money, it isn’t on the table of discussion and also isn’t getting credit for what its doing.

There is one earth in our universe and in my opinion we treat like there are many more to spare.  We cant use money to replace the world.


Would getting rid of mosquitos affect the world? Nobody can really say, some say it wont and some say it will. Taking them out of our ecosystem might negatively impact our world by replacing them with something worse but none of this is proven. Therefore, we go on with living with them.

This article also explains different types of mosquitos and how they affect the world positively and negatively.  It states that mosquitos have been around for too long to get rid of them. A reason we cant get rid of them is because none of this is proven, nobody is sure that they would impact the ecosystem a great amount.

Personally I would rather rid the world of mosquitos. They are just bumps on my perfect world, literally. I also wouldn’t like to live through the consequence of getting rid of them, if there was to be one.