Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tina, Guest Speaker

Having a guest speaker on this topic really helped me to understand what people in situations of needing organs have to go through in order to live their life. This experience was really eye opening and helped me to think in a different perspective in which i could better understand the struggles that people suffering with organ failures have to cope with on a day to day basis.
September 9, 2010
Dear Policy Maker,
I ask that you listen to my letter with an open mind and open
heart. I am a single forty year old woman with Hepatitis C.
Unfortunately, when I was a young girl I was in a car accident
and needed a blood transfusion. As a consequence, I contracted
Hepatitis C.
I have three kids that are five, ten, and thirteen. My five year
old Benny is a curious one. Garrett, my ten year old attends
Elementary school and thrives in school and loves to play soccer.
My oldest daughter Maya is in seventh grade and is a very
responsible young woman and helps me with both of my younger
Fortunately, my disease has not affected my health until now. I am
a dedicated fourth grade school teacher. I have taught fourth grade
for the past fifteen years which is one hundred students per year
and has a great impact on the education of our kids and our future.
I would really like to keep working and help teach these young
minds and get them started on a great education. I hope you can
assist me to continue my career as a teacher.
Policy Maker, please consider me as a candidate for a liver
transplant. My children still really need me and I want to be there
to watch them grow.
Thank you for your time and please don’t hesitate to contact me for
further information.
Joyce Smith