Monday, October 4, 2010

Chimp's Article Summary

After a ten-year hiatus there is questioning and debate whether a certain group of chimpanzees should really be sent back to a labratory after such a long break in a retirement home in Alamagordo New Mexico. Questions such as these come up in discussion: Should testing really be allowed on chimpanzees when we wouldn't risk it on ourselbes and haven't these specific chimps already donated enough time and years to this lab?
A specific group of Chimps are being sent back to the lab after a decade of being at a retirement home in Alamagordo. The governer of New Mexico, Bill Richardson, is going to put up a fight agains the National Institutes of Health which would prevent them from going back to the lab. They want to test on these chimpanzees because they think it would be better to risk a cimp than a human.
The reaction I have to this article would be that these specific chimpanzees have already done their time in the lab and do not deserve to go back. I personaly think that they should stay where they are permanently.

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